Be careful, it's a bomb. Docker has revolutionised the world; let's not be afraid to say it loud and clear, and most probably Dagger.io, created by the same people as Docker, will follow in its footsteps.
Dagger.io aims to be a tool that lets you execute steps of a workflow in exactly the same way as a CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Development) system like the ones of GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, ... does.
But what is a CI? It's a step carried out by your server once you've pushed a new version of your project. During a CI, you can validate the syntax of your code, make sure it conforms (e.g. to formating rules), run code quality analysis tools such as checking that you don't have any undeclared or untyped variables or dead code (e.g. a function you no longer use).
During a CI, you can also launch your unit tests and run them each time you push out a new version of your project.
The aim of the CI is to ... crash as soon as something isn't in the expected state; e.g. you've forgotten a ;
, you've got a violation (spaces used instead of tabs), a unit test no longer works, etc. So the aim of CI is to guarantee that your code is excellent.