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WinSCP - Download files with specific extension recursively

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Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

WinSCP - Download files with specific extension recursively

The WinSCP FTP client support scripting as we can read on

In a previous life, I was often faced with the need to download a certain type of file, e.g. connect to an FTP server and retrieve PHP files locally for analysis.

Since WinSCP allows automation, it's easy to write a little script to do just that.

As an example, we'll thus download any .php files from a host.

The scriptโ€‹

The script is pretty straightforward, if you can believe it:

option batch abort

option confirm off

lcd "c:\temp"


cd /public_html

option transfer ascii

get -filemask:*.php *



How to useโ€‹

  1. Save the previous script as, f.i., C:\temp\download.txt
  2. Edit the script and make these changes:
    1. Where files should be downloaded, local folder (line lcd "c:\temp")
    2. In case of need, replace ftp by sftp
    3. USERNAME: the FTP username
    4. PASSWORD: the password associated to this account
    5. HOST_OR_IP: the FTP host name or his IP
    6. The remote folder from where the files should be downloaded (line cd /public_html)
    7. The file extension to download (if not .php) (line get -filemask:*.php *)
    8. Save the script
  3. Start a DOS session
  4. Run cd c:\temp
  5. Run from there: type "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /script="c:\temp\download.txt"

If everything is correctly set up, WinSCP will start a session terminal and will start to download each .php files found under your remote folder (sub-folders included).