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8 posts tagged with "Github"

View All Tags - Using dagger to automate your CI workflows

19 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious. - Using dagger to automate your CI workflows

Be careful, it's a bomb. Docker has revolutionised the world; let's not be afraid to say it loud and clear, and most probably, created by the same people as Docker, will follow in its footsteps. aims to be a tool that lets you execute steps of a workflow in exactly the same way as a CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Development) system like the ones of GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, ... does.

But what is a CI? It's a step carried out by your server once you've pushed a new version of your project. During a CI, you can validate the syntax of your code, make sure it conforms (e.g. to formating rules), run code quality analysis tools such as checking that you don't have any undeclared or untyped variables or dead code (e.g. a function you no longer use).

During a CI, you can also launch your unit tests and run them each time you push out a new version of your project.

The aim of the CI is to ... crash as soon as something isn't in the expected state; e.g. you've forgotten a ;, you've got a violation (spaces used instead of tabs), a unit test no longer works, etc. So the aim of CI is to guarantee that your code is excellent.

Docker secrets - Using your SSH key during the build process

9 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Docker secrets - Using your SSH key during the build process

There are plenty articles on the Internet but I didn't find the one that allowed me, without an impressive amount of trial and error, to find the solution.

So here's another article to add to the long list: how to access a private project stored at Github when creating a Docker image. In other words, the SSH key is not stored in the image. Docker will just use your key when executing the project recovery layer (the one containing the git clone instruction) and will not keep track of the key afterwards.

VBS - Auto update script

3 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

VBS - Auto update script

Before switching to WSL2 and the Linux console, I wrote VBS scripts from time to time. It looks like VBA but for the DOS console.

A VBS script for DOS is a text file written in the Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) programming language that can be executed directly from the DOS command prompt. It allows you to automate tasks and perform repetitive operations on your computer.

It's just like Linux Bash scripts but for the DOS.

Do you think it would be possible to offer an auto-update function in such scripts? The answer is yes.

Github - Connect your account using SSH and start to work with git@ protocol

3 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Github - Connect your account using SSH and start to work with git@ protocol

Using SSH instead of HTTPS to connect to Github is more secure. Indeed, SSH relies on public-key cryptography. This makes unauthorized access much harder compared to a password, which can be stolen through phishing or brute-force attacks. Also, HTTPS transmits your username and password (encrypted) over the network, which can be intercepted in a Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack. SSH doesn't transmit passwords after the initial setup.

Let's see how to add a SSH key and, from now, being able to work with Github like using the git@ protocol with git clone.

Github - How to find email addresses for most users

2 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Github - How to find email addresses for most users

You'd like to get in touch with a GitHub user but, e.g., you don't want to post your question as an issue because, e.g., it's not about a specific repository but more generic.

As a result, the problem can be translated in How to find the email address linked to a GitHub account.

Recently, I had this need in order to contact someone with a Docusaurus blog offering a feature that I couldn't find documented on the web. His blog was not on GitHub but other repos well.

It isn't always possible to retrieve the associated email.

Indeed, GitHub provides a.o.t. an option to make the email private in his user settings page.

Exterminate them all, kill spam using GitHub Actions

8 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Exterminate them all, kill spam using GitHub Actions

In previous articles, I explained how to fight against spam if you've a cpanel or PlanetHoster's N0C infrastructure.

What if we automated as many things as possible?

In the PlanetHoster's N0C infrastructure article , I showed that you need to write rules for RoundCube to identify sources of spam and remove them. These rules have to be created from the RoundCube interface and, well, ok, that's not optimized at all.

Let's look at how to do as little as possible and still be a hardcore spam fighter.

GitHub - Use Actions to deploy this blog

3 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

GitHub - Use Actions to deploy this blog

The last two months, I was using a FTP automation script to deploy the blog on my FTP server.

This way of doing things worked fine but had several inherent problems, the most important of which was that I had to run the script manually (from my computer).

If I modified an article directly from the Github interface or from another computer (where WinSCP was not installed, for example), there was no deployment.

By using Github actions, this problem no longer exists. With each push, the blog will be updated.