VBS - Get list of files and generate a CSV
ยท 3 min read
Six years ago, I needed a DOS script that would allow me to find the list of every file in a folder on a Windows machine and generate a .csv
file with that list.
Once the .csv
file had been generated, I could then process it in MS Excel, for example, and sort/filter it or, why not, in Python using the Pandas library.
To run this script, first copy/paste the source below and save it to a file, let's say c:\files2csv.vbs
. Start a DOS console, run cd c:\
then cscript files2csv.vbs
. When the job has been done, you'll get the listing in files2csv.csv
' Get the list of files of the current folder + sub-folders and
' generate a .csv file with file information like path, size,
' extensions, author, ... making then easy to work with that list
' in Excel
' Based on a script of
' @author Peter Pinchao Liu (https://github.com/lpcclown)
' then modified by Christophe Avonture
' @Link : https://github.com/lpcclown/fileScan
Option Explicit
Dim objFSO, objCSVFile
' ------------------------------------
' Loop all file under one folder
' ------------------------------------
Function FilesTree(sPath)
Dim objFolder, objSubFolders, objSubFolder, objFiles, objFile
Dim objShell
Dim strFileName
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(sPath)
Set objSubFolders = objFolder.SubFolders
Set objFiles = objFolder.Files
For Each objFile In objFiles
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & objFile.Path & chr(34) & ";"
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & objFile.ParentFolder & chr(34) & ";"
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & objFile.Name & chr(34) & ";"
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & objFile.DateCreated & chr(34) & ";"
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & objFile.DateLastAccessed & chr(34) & ";"
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & objFile.DateLastModified & chr(34) & ";"
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & objFile.Size & chr(34) & ";"
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & objFile.Type & chr(34) & ";"
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & objFSO.getextensionname(objFile.Path) & chr(34) & ";"
' Get file owner
Set objShell = CreateObject ("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace (sPath)
For Each strFileName in objFolder.Items
if objFolder.GetDetailsOf (strFileName, 0) = objFile.Name Then
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & objFolder.GetDetailsOf (strFileName, 10) & chr(34) & ";"
End If
For Each objSubFolder In objSubFolders
FilesTree(objSubFolder.Path) ' Recursion
Set objFiles = Nothing
Set objSubFolders = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
End Function
Dim sResultFileName, sFolderName
Dim wshShell
Const ForWriting = 2
' Create new CSV file : same name of this script but with
' .csv extension
sResultFileName = wScript.ScriptFullName
sResultFileName = replace(sResultFileName, ".vbs", ".csv")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objCSVFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(sResultFileName, ForWriting, True)
' Write comma delimited list of columns in new CSV file.
objCSVFile.Write chr(34) & "FilePathAndName" & chr(34) & ";" & _
chr(34) & "ParentFolder" & chr(34) & ";" & _
chr(34) & "Name" & chr(34) & ";" & _
chr(34) & "DateCreated" & chr(34) & ";" & _
chr(34) & "DateLastAccessed" & chr(34) & ";" & _
chr(34) & "DateLastModified" & chr(34) & ";" & _
chr(34) & "Size" & chr(34) & ";" & _
chr(34) & "Type" & chr(34) & ";" & _
chr(34) & "Suffix" & chr(34) & ";" & _
chr(34) & "Owner" & chr(34) & ";"
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sFolderName = wshShell.CurrentDirectory
Set wshShell = Nothing
wScript.echo "Scan the " & sFolderName & ", please wait..."
wScript.echo ""
wScript.echo "Done, file " & sResultFileName & " has been created"
The output file will be something like this:
"C:\temp\test\test.csv";"C:\temp\test";"test.csv";"21-01-24 09:07:44";"21-01-24 09:09:08";"21-01-24 09:09:08";"472";"CSV Microsoft Excel File";"csv";"Christophe";
"C:\temp\test\test.vbs";"C:\temp\test";"test.vbs";"21-01-24 08:43:49";"21-01-24 09:09:03";"21-01-24 09:09:03";"3246";"VBScript File";"vbs";"Christophe";
Did you need tab delimited?
If so, just make a search & replace to change ";"
to vbTab