- 🇫🇷 - aeSecure - Sécurité des sites Joomla!®
- 🇫🇷 - Est-ce que mon site a été hacké ? Est-il propre ? Comment m'en assurer ?
- 🇫🇷 - Installer Joomla!® facilement avec Docker
Tools listed below are the ones I have coded last years. You will retrieve the source of each tools on github.
- Apache Log reader (github)
- Base64 Encode/Decode (github)
- Decode base64 encoded image (github)
- Excel formula beautifier (github)
- Excel to Markdown (github)
- Folder size (github)
- HTML to Markdown (github)
- JsonEncode (github)
- JsonLint & Pretty print (github)
- Markdown to CSV (github)
- Markdown to HTML (github)
- PHP Grep (github)
- PHP Password generator (github)
- SQL Formatter (github)