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Error Lens addon for VSCode

2 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Error Lens addon for VSCode

Very recently I discovered usernamehw.errorlens and it's a shame I hadn't seen it before.

Error Lens is an addon for VSCode which will show errors, notices, warnings, etc. in the editor, which are generally only accessible in the Problems area of VSCode.

Did you know where is that area? In the status bar of the main VSCode window. Did you see it? Hardly anyone sees it, and yet it should be!

Status bar

We can see here I've 54 problems, ouch.

Tabnine - AI Autocomplete & Chat for Javascript, Python, Typescript, PHP, Go, Java & more

2 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Tabnine - AI Autocomplete & Chat for Javascript, Python, Typescript, PHP, Go, Java & more

Tabnine is a MUST HAVE extension. He will predict your next keystroke and sometimes it's just WOW; HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?.

Imagine you've a private string $firstName property in PHP. By starting to type private function set, Tabnine will understand you're probably creating a setter and will then suggest setFirstName(string $firstname).


class Customer
private string $firstName;

private function set // <=== Tabnine will predict and propose setFirstName(string $firstname)

Joomla - delete tables from your database according to a certain prefix

2 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Joomla : delete tables from your database according to a certain prefix

A recent post on the Joomla French forum was asking for being able to delete tables present in the Joomla database; the ones using a given prefix like old_ or something like that.

Indeed, from time to time, it can be useful to take a look on the list of tables in your database and perhaps, you'll find tables prefixed with f.i. old_ or an old tool you've used years ago (using the correct prefix but with a component you've removed since like joomla_oldcomp).

Years ago, I've written such PHP utility, let's see how to use it.

Install a PHP Docker environment in a matter of seconds

4 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Install a PHP Docker environment in a matter of seconds

This article is the very short and straightforward version of PHP development in a devcontainer with preinstalled code quality tools. If you just want to follow a very few steps and get your PHP environment, this article is for you.

By following steps describe in this article, you'll obtain:

  • A Docker PHP environment so you can code using vscode,
  • The PHP composer package manager installed,
  • A few static analysis tool like php-cs-fixer, phpcs, phpcbf, sonarlint and Rector installed
  • A devcontainer ready-to-use environment.

Just follow the guide...

The aim of this article is to create a development environment (aka devcontainer)

Please refers to my other articles about Docker to see how to Dockerize the application and be able to run the application using Apache and a database service like PostgreSQL.

MS Excel - How to call a SOAP web service

5 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

MS Excel - How to call a SOAP web service

Imagine you had to make a call to a SOAP web service in Excel? For example, to validate the VAT number you have been given before carrying out some processing.

You will call the URL that corresponds to the web service you want, but you will also need to pass a number of parameters in XML format so that the service knows what you want to do.

We'll learn, in this blog post, how to validate a European VAT number using the VIES VAT number validation SOAP web service.

The VBA code we will see in this article can be used as a skeleton for your future development.

Using Docker network and the extra_hosts property

7 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Using Docker network and the extra_hosts property

When you're running a Docker container on a different network than the standard one (called bridge) and you wish to run a second container that needs to access the first container, you need to run the second container on the same network.

Let's say, you're running a MySQL database on a network called my_network and you wish to be able start a second container like phpMyAdmin and get access to the database, then you need to use the --network CLI option when running the second container using docker run.

Now, imagine the first container is a web application and the second container should be able to access his web page and, too, reusing the same alias?

Github - How to find email addresses for most users

2 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Github - How to find email addresses for most users

You'd like to get in touch with a GitHub user but, e.g., you don't want to post your question as an issue because, e.g., it's not about a specific repository but more generic.

As a result, the problem can be translated in How to find the email address linked to a GitHub account.

Recently, I had this need in order to contact someone with a Docusaurus blog offering a feature that I couldn't find documented on the web. His blog was not on GitHub but other repos well.

It isn't always possible to retrieve the associated email.

Indeed, GitHub provides a.o.t. an option to make the email private in his user settings page.

API REST - How to write good APIs

10 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

API REST - How to write good APIs

When developing APIs from scratch, you can do it in the mode I get behind the PC and start programming or I learn about the standards first and then program in compliance with these standards.

And if we lose sight of these norms, we quickly come back to writing endpoints like /articles/insert that are semantically incorrect (and even stupid). In fact, we'll never GET here.

The purpose of the article below is to list best practices by way of examples.

Rector 1.0.0 馃帀馃帀馃帀, my friend, my coach

6 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Rector 1.0.0 馃帀馃帀馃帀, my friend, my coach

If there was only one, it would be Rector. Rector is extremely powerful and brilliant and, you know what, it's free!

Rector is a tremendous application to scan and automatically upgrade your codebase to a given version of PHP and this means, too, to inspect how you're coding.

Rector will look at every line of code, every loop, every conditional test, every function, every class in a PHP source code and suggest improvements.

In this role, it will not only detect improvements to my code (like a static analysis tool) but, and this is the biggest advantage for me, it will show me how I can become a better developer.