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2 posts tagged with "csv"

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Markdown - Convert CSV to Markdown tables

ยท 5 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Markdown - Convert CSV to Markdown tables

See also Markdown - Convert Excel ranges to Markdown tables.

Next to my XLS2MD script, you can also convert CSV file to Markdown very easily.

Just copy/paste your CSV content like the one below on the main text area appearing on Markdown - Convert CSV to Markdown tables and enjoy.

Column 1 Header,Column 2 Header
Row 1-1,Row 1-2
Row 2-1,Row 2-2

Pandas - Merge two or more files and create a merged one

ยท 5 min read
Markdown, WSL and Docker lover ~ PHP developer ~ Insatiable curious.

Pandas - Merge two or more files and create a merged one

You've two or more files and you wish to merge them. For instance, a list of employees and their salary for 2020 up to 2024. Or a list of cost centers and their budget/expenses. Or a list of students and their evaluation score. Or ...

Let's look at an example: a list of employees and their salaries.

We've many files, one by year, with this structure:


And our need is to merge yearly files and generate a merged one with employees and their salary across years so, at the end, we wish to obtain this:


Using Pandas will make this piece of cake...